"Summer afternoon -- summer afternoon, to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language." H. James
Though culturally we've been in summer mode for a few weeks now, the season, scientifically, starts at the solstice -- that moment when the sun kisses the Tropic of Cancer before heading immediately (though slowly) back toward the south. Of course, poetically and Earth-centrically, we think of the sun moving north and south; in reality the sun is pretty indifferent to the earth. The earth, orbniting the star that to us means life, is tilted on its axis, always in the same direction. As it hits the point in its journey 'round where the "top" is most tilted toward the sun, we have our solstice, our longest days, our seasonal transition.
This year, that moment occurs at 11:24 pm CDT on June 20... which means that the solstice actually occurs on June 21 in New York and June 20 in Chicago (and points west). (Though we think of it as a day, the solstice is actually a moment, and it's the same moment glob-wide!)
I'll leave you with one more summer quotation:
"Summer is the annual permission slip to be lazy. To do nothing and have it count for something. To lie in the grass and count the stars. To sit on a branch and study the clouds." R. Brett
Enjoy the lazy days of summer!
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
A Servicable Berry
Serviceberries are ripening, some turning the darker shade of red that means they're ready to harvest. Serviceberries are one of the species out there that have several, regional common names that can make it hard to communicate about them; serviceberry is my least favorite. Juneberry I like because it accurately describes when the berries are ready, giving you some useful information. Saskatoon is just a fun name, from a Cree word for the shrubs. (Saskatoon, Sasketewan, is named after these plants, and not the other way around!) Shadberry (or variants -- shadbush, etc.) is used in the NE and refers to the shad runs that take place at the time of blooming.
I was first introduced to these berries as Saskatoons when I lived in Northern Minnesota. People lauded them as a great native substitute for blueberries in muffins or pancakes, and used them to make jam. I'll give you that they are the siza and shape of a blueberry, and have a similar flavor (which similarly improves when cooked). Personally, though, I find the seeds to be a bit of an annoyance in terms of using them as a food source. The seeds -- 3 per berry, I think -- are about 2 times the size of a raspberry seed. They're perfectly edible and just come out the other end, but, you know... I'm not expecting my muffin to cruch quite so much, I guess. I've tried making jam with them and leaving the seeds in and frankly, eating it was really unplesant. I've also tried removing the seeds to make jam, and to be totally honest, this is not worth the considerable time and effort it took. If I were hungry or foraging I'd certainly count them as a great food source, but in today's world, they're not my favorite. (And I'm saying that as a locavore, who would just rather be eating the strawberries that are peaking now and the early raspberries and even black raspberries have just started to come in.)
A note about making jam with serviceberries... Amelanchiers are in the rose family, same as apples, and as such are very high-pectin fruits. I make jame without using pectin and have gotten pretty good at judging the gel point and know which fruits take longer and which are shorter... still, sometimes I undercook (syrup) or overcook (just not good). The first time I made serviceberry jam, it gelled so fast, I was in disbelief and kept cooking. I ended up with something so stiff it was unspreadable and even un-get-out-of-the-jar-able. So that's my warning if you're planning to try it. It seems like it'd be a good year to, as there's a bumper crop, at least here!
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Seeds of the saskatoon. |
Monday, June 19, 2017
Bugs on Flowers
Hey, you know what's super hard, and also involves looking at really creepy close-ups? Identifying a spider. I knew this was a crab spider, so I had a place to start, and I'm fairly confident its in the genus Misumessus, possibly a female green beauty? Right or wrong, this is a lovely spider I found on a Canada anenome. (I have a much higher tolerance of creepy crawly critters than most people, but still... I rarely describe spiders in terms like lovely or beautiful, but honestly? Look at her... she's just striking.) Note: Canada anenomes are still blooming, but past peak.
The insect was sort of incidental to this picture, for me. I was actually aiming to photograph the coreopsis, which have just started blooming. I just love them, love their frilly petals but mostly I love their color. It's by absolute favorite shade -- those who know me will recognize it as the color of my car, my office walls, several of my running shirts, and close to the color of my spring/fall jacket that I wear for like 6 months a year. And these flowers have such a pure color. Some petals look like the color is watercolored onto white petals (indeed, some flowers, if you rip a petal, you will see white under the color). But these, these look like a pool of pure color, you could dive into it...
I have no idea what this guy is. Some sort of orthoptera, I guess. A young one, maybe. Anyhow, he was hanging out on an impatient at my parents' house yesterday, and I thought he was cute.
Sunday, June 18, 2017
Daily Dosage
Wild quinine is a pretty distinctive and actually pretty plant. This is it -- it kind of looks like it's not quite blooming yet, but it never gets showier. It's never been my favorite because of the midicinal common name, not because of anything important about it... so I decided to find out about that. So the Cinchona tree is where the medicine quinine comes from, and is still used today to create this anit-malarial medication. I guess in WWI, the supply of cinchone bark and therefore quinine was cut off. This plant was used as a substitute. Ito does contain quinine, but not nearly as much, and don't think it works nearly as well, but it does have medicinal uses, including reducing fever and treating burns.
Saturday, June 17, 2017
Just One Plant Today
White water-lily (with bonus damselfly!). Really a lovely pond flower that blooms for a very long time. These are perfectly adapted to their aquatic habitat. Leaves have a very large surface area, allowing them to float on the water, thus maximizing their sun exposure. (Look at that surface tension!) The stoma (for air exchange) are on the top of the leaves, rather than the underside, which is much more typical. And, the leaf tops are waxy to repel water. Under water, the stem is long and flexible, allowing the plant to float despite changing water levels. The flowers also float, and are very fragrant if you manage to get your face close to one. When the seeds form they go underwater and sink, increasing their chances of growing... though they also reproduce by rhizomes. Though I've never seen the stereotypical frog hanging out on a lilypad, under the water these plants, which ususally grown in colonies, provide shelter for all manner of macroinvertebrates. (Which makes them a great place to use pond nets with kids! And also attracts frogs and other larger species that eat the small critters.)
To keep up with my recent trend of scientific nomenclature, these are Nymphaea odorata; nymphaea are grottoes or shrines dedicated to nymphs! (Odorata presumably refers to the strong fragrance, but that's not as interesting!)
Friday, June 16, 2017
Another Daily Flower Report
I think of DYCs as a late summer thing, but some bloom early! This, I believe, is an ox-eye sunflower. Perhaps more interesting, in this case, is the plant's scientific name -- it's a Heliopsis species. "Helio" is Greek for sun... opsis is Greek for "appearance" -- so it looks like the sun. Its specific name is helianthoides, which means "like Helianthus" (that being the genus of sunflowers). So it looks like the sun, and like a sunflower! Heliopsis species are sometimes called false sunflowers.
Also just starting to bloom are Asclepias species, here a butterflweed. Though a member of the milkweed genus, these plants don't have the milky sap associated with most milkweeds. They are, however, still larval hosts to monarch butterflies!
Thursday, June 15, 2017
Daily Flower Report
Spiderworts are looking lovely this time of year. A nice, early-blooming prairie plant, spiderworts have long bloom times as a plant/species, but very short bloom times as an individual flower. Within the clusters on the top of each plant, a few (or more, as you can see) flowers bloom at a time, each for only a short time, but in succession so that the flowers can be seen for over a month -- usually throughout all of June. They are morning-bloomers, and close up at night, so an evening look can fool you into thinking they aren't blooming anymore, but in the morning they're back!
Foxglove beardtongue -- commonly named because of its resemblance in flower structure to the foxgloves that grow all over England, and because of the littly hairy things on the flower's corolla which look like a hairy tongue sticking out -- is flowering now:

Purple coneflowers are also starting to open. The disc flowers will open from the outside in, and you can see that the very outer row currently has the pollen of open flowers. We're just starting the season for this iconic prairie species!

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