Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Another Rainy Night

Well, we awoke to another wet morning after a rainy night. A month ago, we would have gone out and danced and celebrated this rain. But it's the third rainy night in a week and at this point, we really don't need it. In fact, it's not good for the garden. The tomatoes, especially with late blight in the area, don't need the coolth and rain. The pop corn in the garden is supposed to be drying out right now. The melons, indigenous to the desert, really shouldn't get so much water at this point in their life cycle -- in fact, the extra rain will leech the sweetness right out of them. And the lack of warmth is not to their sensibilities, either. I hope some even get ripe before it's too cold! (Last year I only got melons for about 2 weeks... but for 2 weeks I had the most delicious muskmelons every single day. They are heirloom ones that I got at Monticello...) Peppers are not doing as well as in the past with the cool weather, either.

And also? The rain is continuing into the daylight hours. And rain? Is not so good for those of us who teach outside classes. Means a lot of last-minute re-arranging and running around.

Not to be too whiny and complainy. The weather happens and we deal with it. Soldier on.

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