Ah, well... next time?
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
What a Night
Yesterday was the winter solstice, and a full moon (although it was cloudy). I suppose those two correspond with way less frequency than "once in a blue moon." In fact, it's been over 10 years. Even more significant, there was also a lunar eclipse in the very early hours of the 21st, but the clouds, at least in this area, would have made it hard to see, were one awake and healthy enough to try. I, personally, was not... I have spent my winter break thus far being terrible ill... I'm getting better now... I missed another disappointing snowfall (less than 2 inches for us), and the shortest day of the year along with its once-in-a-lifetime eclipse (or once in several, as the last coincidence of an eclipse and the solstice was 632 years ago). I understand the eclipse was lovely in areas where the sky was clear...
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Let it Snow!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Call of the Wild
I'm standing in the prairie, rushing to collect flags, when the primordial trumpet of sandhill cranes causes me to stop all motion. I look around, get sun-blinded, regain my bearings, look again, see nothing. How can a noise that is so loud, and that sounds like it's surrounding me, be coming from things that I can't even find? Finally, with the help of a few 7th graders, I see them. Six "vee" formations, or seven maybe, each with a hundred or more birds in it. They are so high up that they look like dust almost, or ashes floating in the wind. But once I see them, I can't stop seeing them... a thousand birds, each as tall as me but so high up I can hardly see them, so numerous I can hear them distinctly, all journeying together, most likely to Florida... it's an amazing sight, one that brings you close to the ancients. I can imagine, a thousand years ago or more, people walking through the prairie, and stopping at the arresting call of the cranes. Taking a minute to ponder, to celebrate, before resuming life's daily tasks. In this season of thankfulness, I am grateful for cranes.
Another Day...
Current temp: 26 deg, on our way to a high of 36, which will feel colder if we keep having winds at around 20 mph.
Are you kidding me?
This (admittedly not very artistic) photo shows a frozen puddle. There is no ice on edge of the lake, but this is largely because the biting strong winds are making the water turbulent, and therefore unable to freeze over.
This morning, I got out my winter coat and winter boots (not the warmest pair I own, but winter nonetheless). I thought I might feel silly and overdressed. Not so. Rather, I am sort of annoyed with myself that I went with the fall gloves and hat, and didn't get out the long underwear. It may have been overkill, but it would have been comfortable overkill!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Flip Flop
Currently, it is thunder storming (dark as night) and almost 60 degrees even this early in the morning. Crazy November weather!
Friday, November 19, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Still Here
Today we saw:
- a toad
- a great blue heron
- a frog (student-reported, I didn't see the frog).
Monday, November 15, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
It looks brown out. In the hedgerows, tree branches are empty except for the occasional adornment of Osage oranges. The prairie has shades of yellow, tan, brown... but no green. Insects no longer hop out of the way as you walk through the dried grasses. The chickadees have gathered for the winter, and juncos dart from here to there. I haven't seen a heron in a week or so, or a redwing blackbird in longer...
So WHY is it supposed to be in the mid-60's today and all week? Seems like it's much higher than average...
A Strange Complaint
It looks brown out. In the hedgerows, tree branches are empty except for the occasional adornment of Osage oranges. The prairie has shades of yellow, tan, brown... but no green. Insects no longer hop out of the way as you walk through the dried grasses. The chickadees have gathered for the winter, and juncos dart from here to there. I haven't seen a heron in a week or so, or a redwing blackbird in longer...
So WHY is it supposed to be in the mid-60's today and all week? Seems like it's much higher than average... I do like it, but it's starting to seem odd.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Come Again Another Day
The ground was parched and dusty. The air was dry. We hadn't had any real rain in 6 weeks or more? And then... after a nice rain in Saturday, the "worst storm in 70 years" hit the mid-west on Tuesday. Sideways rain. 70 mile-per-hour wind gusts. Branches down, roadsigns flying, semi-trucks blown off the road. General craziness. I don't want to sound Naomi-centric, here, but I feel I did two things to precipitate this weather event.
1. I finally hired someone to paint the outside of our house, who started in the middle of last week, and is not yet finished.
2. I went to Minneapolis (for the 1st annual National Green Schools Conference, which was awesome) in a large rented van with students in it. Needless to say, our homeward travel was delayed. Also, we got to see our first snow of the 2010-2011 winter season, though it did not get that cold here... until last night, when we had a hard freeze (but no precipitation).
Friday, October 22, 2010
Falling into Spring?
I suppose the sight of a redwing blackbird, silhouetted against a bright blue sky, sitting proud on the highest branch of the aspen tree should be a vision of March or October. I guess their clear whistles slicing through the crisp air should remind me of spring or of fall... but really, I hear that noise and I think of early March, that first sunny day when it's still very cold but it feels quite warm, comparatively speaking. That day when the redwings first show themselves and you know that you're out of the woods... it's all downhill from there, so to speak... it seems a little wrong to hear it now, knowing that the cold months are just beginning. But here they are, five of them this morning, all perched atop trees, their calls piercing he chill. The message this time? We have a long trek through slush and ice ahead of us!
Also, still seeing a lot of robins and grasshopper. Can't think that I've seen a dragonfly in a while...
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Notes to Self.
As of this week, I am still seeing:
- frogs
- monarchs (though not in the great numbers I was a few weeks ago)
- grasshoppers
- milkweed bugs
- garter snakes
Also, notes from the bird world...
- goldfinches are brown (have been...)
- yellow rumped warblers are coming through.
- juncos are here.
- so are sandhill cranes, though I haven't seen or heard them, other people have been reporting it for a few weeks.
- Geese are going crazy. I know that a lot of them stay around all winter, and a lot of the big flocks I've seen have been going north... but the amount of goose activity... the number of times I've had to stop class and just wait because 50-100 noisy geese were flying over in the past week has been quite high. Say what you will, something is going on with the geese right now.
Sometimes, we just need some boring record-keeping notes.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Random Things From the Past Week or So...
Monday, October 11, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
So Cute!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Oh, What a Beautiful Morning
This morning I left home before sunrise (which is not unusual during the school year, especially as we get closer and closer to solstice) and I was rewarded with a lovely sunrise... of course, I watched the sun cast its glow on the bands of clouds from behind a car windshield, and with roads and powerlines in view... but there were these moments when I saw it across open agricultural fields, sprawling bur oaks peeking from the low hanging mist in the background... when it just seemed like proof that every ordinary day has extraordinary moments, and that mundane places are still kissed by the glory of nature.
By the time I got to work, the ever-changing colors of the sunrise had given way to the sideways morning light. (I suppose that happened during the approximately 30 seconds when I was driving east and looking straight into the orange orb in front of me, nearly being blinded despite sunglasses, and feeling lucky not to have crashed.) Anyhow, things were still lovely as the morning's frost accentuated the plants' shapes and forms, and played with the sunlight in a really beautiful way...
... and then melted (it got up to nearly 70 degrees today, at least a 25 degree difference between day and night)...
A short while later, we encountered deer -- one antlered fellow and seven companions. I kept thinking they would eventually get scared of us, given that we were hammering things into the ground, disturbing the peace and bird-song quite thoroughly, but they did not. In face, they got closer and closer, unafraid, challenging. (Well, we got not actual hoofing of the ground or anything...) These are clearly suburban deer, unfamiliar with gun and bow alike. (I took about 20 pictures, thinking each time that this surely would be the last, they would run away now, but eventually I gave up the photographing, and it was us that left before them. Smartly, they had left before we returned with students.)
Not photographed: wooly bear (sign of fall!)
ps -- Those of you who were wondering, in my yard the basil is still fine. The frost seemed to spare sheltered areas, and my yard has homes, trees, fences, etc. So we're still waiting on the "big one" in our garden.
Monday, October 4, 2010
FROST. Well, sort of. We had a patchy frost last night that seemed to mostly affect rooftops and vehicles. The basil in my yard, which I think of as very sensitive and the first thing to brown up in a frost, was verdant. It got down to about 41 degrees last night...
Friday, October 1, 2010
Here's a phenological mystery for you all...
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Up North
And, if you think that this is overkill with the fungus photos, I would like to state, for the record, that a) I edited a lot out of these, and b) I would have taken a LOT more pictures of fungi if I hadn't had 58 lbs of canoe on my head for a lot of the time, which seriously diminishes the ease of... and desire to... take pictures.
We saw mushrooms in every color but blue and green. The first one here, though the photo doesn't capture it that well, was light purple!

We saw mushrooms in every color but blue and green. The first one here, though the photo doesn't capture it that well, was light purple!
That last one was very crazy... about 4 inches in diameter, covered in dark purple-grey powder above and below, and curved up. Students noted that it looked like the empty paper of a Reese's peanut butter cup.
You made it this far? Here were a few non-fungal discoveries...
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