Sunday, February 21, 2010

A Certain Heaviness...

Friday into Saturday it snowed about 2 inches -- heavy, wet snow that was practically rain. My thermometer said it was 34 degrees, so it should have been rain! Anyhow, it was enough to cover the brown, roadside ugliness for a while (it's back already). The relative warmth -- two days of hovering right around freezing -- has caused some melting. Check out this icicle on the back of my house... its stalactite part and its stalagmite parts are almost ready to meet!
I just thought it was sort of cute how the snow was melting around this cat lawn statue... it looks like a kitty has made a snow cave and is peaking out!

1 comment:

  1. That's an amazing icicle. I thought it was white trim when I first looked at it. Wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't drawn attention to it.
    Cute kitty!
