Many American Indian tribes had a charming naming scheme for their lunar months -- they named them after phenological occurrences. The month that fell closest to what we now call February was dubbed by many groups "Snow Moon." As a second grader remarked to me, "I understand why they called February the snow moon!" We've had a snowy February. It's mostly come in a few inches at a time -- about 4 tonight -- but it seems to keep coming. Even without the huge snowfalls they've had out east, we have a good covering of white stuff by now....
And soon, it will be time for the Crust Moon. Coming after the Snow Moon, this is the month when warmer daytime temperatures slowly melt the snow but colder night times re-freeze it, forming a crust of ice on top of the snow. That's a clever naming concept if I've ever heard one...
I guess they would have named them "Thank goodness - no snow month" and "It's finally getting warmer month" here:) I'll be glad when it does warm up. It was cold and windy today. Just cold tonight (for us) - 35 degrees when we were coming home from the soccer game. What grandmas do for their grandsons -lol.