Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My First Ironweed

Such a pretty color, no?

We are hopping across the pond for a few days -- not sure if we'll be able to log on over there, but I'm sure I'll have a ton to write about when we return! (A place where purple loosestrife is native, imagine!)


  1. Ironweed is one of my favorite weeds. Last time I looked, ours was not in bloom yet so it's great to see one that is.

    Have a good trip!

  2. Ironweed just started to bloom here in Oklahoma about two weeks ago. It survived very hot dry conditions! I enjoyed the stop by your site. Hope your trip is happy.

  3. Iron weed - how beautiful!! I just happened upon your blog; it is magnificent. I live in SC, and I am trying to identify a native plant (weed?? It is everywhere out here in the country). 3-6 feet tall.
    thin, short leaves on tall stalks. It is blooming now with many little white flowers at the top of the stems that bend and bob in the wind. This plant is aromatic, a kind of piney smell. Growing along fences,in vacant lots, by the side of the road. I wish I could send you a
    picture. I feel certain you have it in Arkansas too.
