Daffodils in the yard, which may have even been there under the snow, became visible today.
Here is a baby columbine. The tiny buds on my Am. Hazel have started opening as well, but they are too tiny for me to photograph. Also, pick up a few of winter's decomposing leaves, and I found all sorts of squirmy life. Worms, centipedes, little roly polies, and some tiny white bugs are all active and plentiful under there...
Also heard, seen, or reported by a third party:
- killdeers, today.
- sandhill cranes, a few days ago, reported by fivecrows' father.
- a bat, reported by fivecrows,
- herons, seen by me today but earlier in the week by fivecrows,
- our porch raccoon is back to looking longingly (or with loathing, I'm not sure) into our window.
- cedar waxwings, also seen by fivecrows.
- it is very muddy!
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